Jim Threlfall ('95 M.Ed. Technology Education) is at the helm of I/ITSEC, the world’s largest modeling, simulation, and training conference, which globally draws over 18,000 attendees annually from the military, industry, and academia. As this year’s Conference Chair, Threlfall oversees an event that shapes the future of training and simulation, highlighting innovations like artificial intelligence and its impact on the workforce. As an Army veteran, Threlfall credits his education at Old Dominion University with preparing him for this second career in training and leadership. His volunteer position at I/ITSEC is helping push the boundaries of what’s possible in education and technology.

The Public Relations and Event Planning class (SEPS 495) at from the Department of Educational Leadership & Workforce Development, along with fellow students and faculty from the fashion merchandising program, showcased their creativity and teamwork at Dillard’s department store in the Greenbrier Mall.

William "Bill" Owings, retired Old Dominion University professor of educational leadership, died on Feb. 15, surrounded by his wife and family.

An ODU professor in the Darden College of Education & Professional Studies was quoted in Education Week.

Old Dominion University's Darden College of Education and Professional Studies is proud to announce the successful continuation of its MerMADE STEM Toys4KIDS project, an initiative that has been brightening the holiday season for children since 2015.

Fashion Merchandising students are addressing the fashion industry's impact on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, the Environment, and Economic Stability this semester.

Dr. Pat Williams has just been promoted from the Principal of Mt. Hermon Preschool Center to the PreK Coordinator for Portsmouth Public Schools. Dr. Williams was a member of the very first Ph.D. cohort for the Educational Leadership Program, and was the first person to complete the program in Cohort #1.

Dr. Antonio Passaro Jr.'s book, Investigating the Design and Implementation of Operational Safety Plans for Crisis at Higher Education Institutions, was highlighted in the Chronicle of Higher Education's Daily Briefing on May 17, 2023.

For the past 20 years, the CCL and HIED programs have hosted students on the ODU Campus as part of their two-week Summer Institute.

CCL Student Camisha Parker is taking on a new role as Executive Director of the new Virginia State University-Norfolk State University Regional Center. This partnership will bring an HBCU presence to Northern Virginia.

Dr. Edward Bush gives the DuBois Leadership Lecture

EPPE student Russell Chandler will be the new Director of Assessment and Planning at ODU starting July 10.

HIED Ph.D. student, Melanie Graham, won the NASPA Region III Outstanding Graduate Student Award. Ms. Graham is the Director of Special Projects at Old Dominion University. The award signifies that her fellow student affairs colleagues value the contributions she is making in the field of student affairs. Ms. Graham will receive this award at the Region III Summer Symposium in June 2023 in Orlando, Fla.

Dr. Bill Owings was named Professor Emeritus of Educational Foundations and Leadership effective as of his retirement on June 1, 2023. The ODU Board of Visitors made this appointment based on his numerous accomplishments during his 20 years at ODU. Dr. Owings has been a prolific scholar having secured grants, published numerous journal articles and books, and served on many dissertation committees. Specifically, since 1996 Owings has published nearly 60 journal articles, 15 books (not including 2nd and 3rd additions), eight book chapters, and presented roughly 50 papers at national and international academic conferences.

Dr. Felecia Commodore was awarded the University of Pennsylvania's Graduate School of Education's Recent Alumni/Early Career Award of Merit.

Dr. Milan Hayward (CCL Ph.D., 2012) is the new President of Pierpont Community & Technical College in Fairmont, West Virginia.

Dr. Charlie Mathies has authored two recent chapters

Dr. Mitchell R. Williams was a recipient of a John R. Broderick Diversity Champion Award at a luncheon at Old Dominion University on April 19, 2023.

Dr. Laura Smithers has a new publication in Departures in Critical Qualitative Research.

ELS alumnus Benjamin Biggs has been named the 2023 Outstanding Secondary School Assistant Principal of Virginia by the Virginia Association of Secondary School Principals (VASSP).

The professor of educational leadership will be interviewed about his life and work on April 17 at University Theatre.

Dr. Kim Bullington is the Principle Investigator on a new grant that will expand ODU's Military Connection Center (MCC).

The ODU Educational Leadership faculty welcome Jason E. Saltmarsh to the program. Jason Saltmarsh will begin this fall as an assistant professor.

The ODU Educational Leadership faculty welcome Dr. Danielle Edwards as an assistant professor.

The ODU Educational Leadership faculty welcome Dr. Meagan Richard to the program. Dr. Richard will begin this fall as an assistant professor.

Dr. Linda Bol won the 2023 DCEPS Instructional Publications Award from the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies' Faculty Governance Organization.

Dr. Karen Sanzo won a 2023 VASCD Impact Award. VASCD is the Virginia affiliate of ASCD and is dedicated to advancing excellence in Virginia's schools through professional learning opportunities, advocacy and publications. Dr. Sanzo was honored at an awards luncheon at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts along with Dr. Kate Maxlow who nominated her for the award.

Students and faculty in HIED 744/844: Global Higher Education Systems visited educational leaders and institutions in Finland. Travelling to Helsinki, Jyvaskyla & Tampere, the class made presentations at a comparative higher education conference, met with internationalization and strategic planning experts, as well as had some good fun. Thank you to Dr.s Mathies and Smithers who led the group. Ask us about next year's study abroad!

Dr. Felecia Commodore, as an equity consultant to the Virginia Community College System with Dr. Pamela Eddy (William & Mary), authored a policy brief on advancing racial equity. In this policy brief, they outline steps community college leaders in the VCCS should take to produce equitable college environments for adult learners. If you would like a copy of the full brief, please contact Dr. Commodore at fcommodo@iin3d.com.

Dr. Felecia Commodore is a featured guest in the REACH Collaborative?s podcast series titled Promoting Racial Equity in Credentialing Pathways for Adult Learners of Color.

The University will work on developing lab schools at Oscar Smith Middle School and in Newport News high schools.

Dr. Bill Owings and his colleague, Dr. Leslie Kaplan, have been invited to give the keynote address at the Oxford Education Research Symposium.

Dr. Bill Owings and his colleague, Dr. Leslie Kaplan, have been invited to give the keynote address at the Oxford Education Research Symposium.

She leads the way in cultivating a community of 167,000 ODU graduates around the world.

The honorees exemplify service and excellence in their communities and beyond.

Community College Leadership student, Elizabeth Delladova, appeared in Inside Higher Education talking about academic libraries.

The Community College Leadership program is expanding! We are searching for a third faculty member specializing in community colleges to join our program in July 2023.

The University will help Support Career Connections Labs in Norfolk, Portsmouth and Hampton middle schools.

Dr. Felecia Commodore, alongside Drs. Demetri Morgan (Loyola Chicago) and Raquel Rall (UC Riverside), has a new publication in Higher Education.

Dr. Tony Perez worked with EPPE student, Arianna White Levatich, and others to publish a paper about gender differences in two science self-efficacy beliefs.

Dr. Felecia Commodore will be giving the keynote address at the Leading Change Conference on Saturday, February 25, 2023.

Ms. April Taylor Martin, a Ph.D. student in the Educational Leadership program, organized a art showcase to highlight the work of Portsmouth teachers. The Showcase is on display until January 26 at The Book Club on High Street.

NASPA - the professional organization for student affairs administrators in higher education - is recognizing Dr. Gregory's exceptional contributions to the field with the 2023 The Robert H. Shaffer Award for Academic Excellence as a Graduate Faculty Member.

Old Dominion University received a College Partnership Laboratory School Planning Grant to work with Newport News Public Schools. Lab Schools are public schools in Virginia that are being established by institutions of higher education in partnership with local school divisions.

Chiefs of Schools for the Hampton Roads area came together at ODU's Strome Entrepreneurial Center on December 8, 2022 for a networking event.

Students and Faculty from the Community College Leadership and Higher Education programs visited Washington D.C. on December 1 and 2, 2022. They engaged with policy makers both on Capital Hill but also with professional associations such as the American Association of Community Colleges.

Dr. Karen Sanzo was selected to be the DCEPS nominee for the 2023 SCHEV Outstanding Faculty Award. The Outstanding Faculty Awards are "the Commonwealth's highest honor for faculty at Virginia's public and private colleges and universities.

On November 30, 2022, Community College Leadership and Higher Education alumni, students and prospective students gathered at the Virginia Community College System offices in Richmond, Virginia. Dr.s Mitchell Williams and Charles Mathies updated the group with CCL and HIED program highlights over lunch. President of Brightpoint Community College, Dr. Ted Raspiller, and Interim Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic and Workforce Programs, Dr. Van Wilson, were in attendance.

Dr. Mitchell Williams traveled to Middletown, New York to hood two CCL alumni on the SUNY Orange Campus. Dr.s Anne Prial and Josh Lavorgna graduated from the Community College Leadership Ph.D. program.

Ms. Lucy Wittkower, an EPPE Ph.D. student, is the PI on the Future Informational Professionals Internship for Undergraduate Students grant.

Dr. Laura Smithers has a new publication out in a special issue of Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology

Dr. Patrick Tompkins has been named as the President of NHTI - Concord's Community College.

Dr. Felecia Commodore will lead a pre-convention workshop at this year’s American College Personnel Association (ACPA) Convention centering the work of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

Dr. Brittany Walker, an ODU Educational Leadership Specialist Ph.D. alumni, was elected to the Chesapeake School Board.

Dr. Matt McGraw is heading to Taiwan in March as a 2023 Fulbright Scholar.

Dr. Todd Cimino-Johnson, Community College Leadership alumnus, won a seat on the Loudoun County/Leesburg VA City Council on November 8, 2022.

Dr. Denelle Wallace, Dean of the Norfolk State University School of Education and ODU alum, published a paper about Black male educators in the Journal of African American Males in Education with coauthors Dr. Linda Bol, Professor or Educational Psychology and Program Evaluation, and current Educational Psychology and Program Evaluation students Kendra Hall and Erin Cousins.

Dr. Laura Smithers, writing with Drs. Maureen Flint (Georgia) and Paul Eaton (Sam Houston State), has a new publication out in Qualitative Inquiry.

Dr. Charles Mathies and co-author Dr. Katie Koo edited a special issue of the Journal of International Students...

New assistant professor, Dr. Charles Mathies, co-authored a study of the Intra-Regional Mobility of Ph.D. Students in the European Union...

The University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) has named ELS doctoral student Melanie Daniels as a prestigious 2022-2024 Jackson Scholar.

Dr. Laura Smithers has a new publication out in the Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice. The article, The Production of Alter-Competence: Wonder in Graduate Preparation Program Coursework.

In this podcast series, co-hosts Drs. Felecia Commodore and Royel Johnson invite scholar leaders to collectively think about what it means (and does not) to Humanize Higher Education...

CCL Program students and alumni who are leaders of community colleges in Virginia recently participated in the 2022 Virginia Community College System’s New Horizons Conference in Roanoke.

April Taylor-Martin is an ELS Ph.D. student and Portsmouth educator who leads the visual arts department for the school district. She has been working with the district's visual arts educators to connect students' artistic skills with core classes such as history, science and mathematics. Part of these efforts includes displaying student and faculty artwork.

Dr. Gregory was selected to give the inaugural Constitution Day Address at Virginia Tech. Sponsored by the Office of University Scholarships and Financial Aid, Dr. Gregory will be talking about the role of higher education in protecting democracy.

Dr. Ellen Davenport Receives Dana B. Hamel Award

Dr. Josh Lavorgna named Associate Vice President for the Business, Math, Science, and Technology Division at SUNY-Orange in Middletown, New York.

Linda Bol and CCL alumna Diane Ryan publish article about community college faculty using open educational resources.

ODU education students met with community college presidents, policymakers and nationally recognized researchers in the field.

Community College Leadership alumnus, Dr. Page Moore, published a paper about student enrollment in community colleges after they participated in dual enrollment.

CCL Program alumnus Page Moore (Ph.D. 2021) is the lead author of Factors Encouraging Student Enrollment Following Dual Enrollment Participation.

Dr. Christopher Wikstrom (Ph.D. 2018) has been named the Vice President of Academic & Student Success Services at Patrick & Henry Community College in Martinsville, Virginia.

Chevese Thomas, alumna of the Educational Leadership program (ELS), was appointed as the Executive Director of Student Services in Manassas City School Division.

Using a systematic review methodology, Dr. Bol and student, Erin Cousins, (with Dr. Tian Luo) examined 17 self-regulated learning interventions and their effects.

Dr.s Smithers and Fischer, with EPPE student Faith Watrous, published Impasses of affective inquiry in pandemic times in the International Review of Qualitative Research after their fieldwork with learning communities took a drastic turn during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The associate professor of educational foundations and leadership was selected by the Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (NASPA).

Please join us in congratulating this year’s Faculty Governance Awards recipients! Selected by the DCEPS Faculty Governance Organization, the Faculty Governance Awards are an annual tradition of the Darden College aimed at recognizing the distinguished faculty members who have gone above and beyond and have made significant contributions to their fields, the College, and the University.
Please join us in congratulating this year’s Student Awards recipients! Selected by each of our departments, these awards are an annual tradition in the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies aimed at recognizing outstanding students for their academic achievement, service to the community, the college, and the university.

Arianna White-Levatich was awarded the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies' Doctoral Fellowship for 2022-2023.

Please join us in congratulating this year?s Faculty Governance Awards recipients! Selected by the DCEPS Faculty Governance Organization, the Faculty Governance Awards are an annual tradition of the Darden College aimed at recognizing the distinguished faculty members who have gone above and beyond and have made significant contributions to their fields, the College, and the University.

Please join us in congratulating this year?s Student Awards recipients! Selected by each of our departments, these awards are an annual tradition in the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies aimed at recognizing outstanding students for their academic achievement, service to the community, the college, and the university.

Dr. Felecia Commodore was recently promoted from assistant to associate professor as well as granted tenure.

Dr. Tammi Dice, currently serving as Interim Dean, has accepted the offer to serve as the next dean of the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies, effective June 10, 2022.

Dr. Dennis Gregory has been recognized by being awarded the prestigious National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Region III's 2022 Outstanding Contribution to Student Affairs through Teaching Award.

Dr. Commodore was quoted in an article in Diverse Issues in Higher Education discussing changes in leadership in higher education.

Dr. Dennis Gregory has won the DCEPS Faculty Governance Award for International Outreach. Dr. Gregory is not only a Fulbright Scholar but also an expert in international comparative studies in higher education. Recently, he has been working with the University of Pretoria and the Director of Police for South Africa.

Dr. Tony Perez won the ODU Doctoral Mentoring Award 2022 representing DCEPS. This award recognizes Dr. Perez's inspirational work with graduate students through teaching, service on graduate committees and sponsorship of student research. The letters from former students reflect a mentor that has had a profound impact on many lives.

Old Dominion University alumni who lead Virginia community colleges recently participated in the Virginia Community College System’s New Horizons Conference. The conference was held April 6-8, 2022, in Roanoke.

ODU doctoral candidates, faculty and alumni from the Department of Educational Foundations and Leadership were on this year's program for the Council for the Study of Community Colleges (CSCC) conference held March 31 through April 2 in Tempe, Ariz.

Old Dominion University and the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies has again been recognized as a top-tier institution in the prestigious U.S. News & World Report's 2023 Best Graduate Schools - Education Schools rankings released today. ODU moved up the ranks to be tied for 89th out of 274 schools of education around the country and one of only eleven in Virginia - a 30-place jump from the 2022 ranking.

Old Dominion University and the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies has again been recognized as a top-tier institution in the prestigious U.S. News & World Report's 2023 Best Graduate Schools - Education Schools rankings released today. ODU moved up the ranks to be tied for 89th out of 274 schools of education around the country and one of only eleven in Virginia - a 30-place jump from the 2022 ranking.

On Thursday, February 24th, various members of the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies community gathered for the Darden Fellows Alumni Luncheon, to celebrate the accomplishments of six alumni who have made significant contributions to their fields and have distinguished themselves in their professions.

On Thursday, February 24th, various members of the Darden College of Education and Professional Studies community gathered for the Darden Fellows Alumni Luncheon, to celebrate the accomplishments of six alumni who have made significant contributions to their fields and have distinguished themselves in their professions.

Dr. Donica Hadley, an alumni of the Educational Leadership Ph.D. program, has been named a Doctoral Fellow at James Madison University.

Dr. Rachel White was awarded a 2022 Faculty Innovator Grant by the ODU Center for Learning and Teaching. Her project is titled, 'Real-world, time-constrained simulations in education policy, politics, and legal situations.'

Dr. Laura Smithers, Dr. Heidi Fischer, and EPPE Ph.D. student Lanah Stafford have a new publication in the Journal of College Student Development. The piece, Ordinary Engagements: The Everyday Creation of a High-Impact Practice, explores the mundane, everyday practices of student engagement in high-impact practices that escape the gaze of surveys and other measures, practices that must also be valued as high-impact.

Dr. Justin Necessary, graduate of the Community College Leadership program, won the Outstanding Methodologist of the Year 2021 at Grand Canyon University. Dr. Necessary is a Senior Master Methodologist at GCU as well as an assistant professor at Liberty University.

Child behavior problems are associated with an array of negative outcomes that can continue into adulthood. Because much of the social development and adjustment for children in early to middle childhood takes place in the home, families are of special interest in understanding child behavioral problems.

Dr. Kia Hardy is the lead author of the article, Preparing to Fill the Leadership Gap: The Challenges Facing Women Leaders in Mid-Level Positions at Urban Community Colleges, recently published in the Journal of Women in Educational Leadership.

A Comparison of Academic Outcomes in Courses Taught With Open Educational Resources and Publisher Content by Linda Bol.

The article, Nurturing Masculinity, Resisting Patriarchy: An Ethnographic Account of Four Women’s Folk Songs from Northeastern Afghanistan, is an account of the negotiations of masculinity and patriarchy by women in Afghanistan.

Daphne Fulson, who earned her bachelor's degree in 2013, honored for her commitment to her Chesapeake second-graders.

Daphne is currently a second-grade teacher at Portlock Primary School in Chesapeake. Click to read the official announcement.

Dr. Felecia Commodore has been selected to moderate a Presidential Session at this year’s Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference.

Dr. Heidi Fischer and HIED Ph.D. Candidate Kimberley Cossey have a new publication in the Community College Journal of Research and Practice.

The Forum for Excellence is Illinois’ premier professional development event that highlights the continuing partnership of career, technical, and adult education in the state.

Dr. Felecia Commodore was featured in the Chronicle of Higher Education’s coverage of burnout on campus as operations return to normal nationwide.

Congratulations to Dr. White who published a sole author piece about K-12 school superintendents' gender gap.

Anjanette Hendricks won a dissertation of the year award for her research on the financial benefits of Career and Technical Education industry credentials.

Heidi Fischer earned her doctorate in higher education at ODU this month.

This academic year’s final Science Pub will be held virtually on April 7. Six graduate students will present for five minutes or less.

As part of the grant, Old Dominion has created 11 “design thinking” teams, each focusing on a specific issue or barrier with the goal of increasing the enrollment and retention of underrepresented students.

The Virginia Beach native worked in law enforcement, higher education and even as an actor along the way.

Rachel White is part of a team that is focused on reducing turnover, which studies show impacts student achievement.

Twenty-four undergraduates. Six educational institutions. Multiple solutions.

Hampton City Schools’ director of innovation and professional learning is working on a Ph.D. in educational leadership.

Maxlow, who is earning her doctoral degree in educational leadership, was named the recipient of the Virginia Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (VASCD) Leadership Award.

Maxlow, who is earning her doctoral degree in educational leadership, was named the recipient of the Virginia Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (VASCD) Leadership Award.

ODU Board gets upbeat briefing

Rachel White will conduct a national survey of school district superintendents and interview district leaders.

The award will benefit future community college and higher education leaders.

The center will produce original research to help drive healthy discussions for community college policy and provide useful information to the Virginia Community College System.

The center will produce original research to help drive healthy discussions for community college policy and provide useful information to the Virginia Community College System.

View More When Dr. Karen Sanzo and Dr. Jay Scribner, professors in the Department of Educational Foundations and Leadership in the Darden College of Education, sent a faculty-wide email last August...

Page summary goes here

Gov.-elect Ralph Northam has chosen a top official for Virginia’s community colleges as his chief workforce adviser, a new Cabinet-level position created by the General Assembly last year to address the state’s top economic development concern.

A team of Old Dominion University faculty members recently has received a three-year grant of $300,000 from the National Science Foundation to investigate whether pair programming, a collaborative form of programming in which two students work side-by-side on one computer, impacts the performance and retention of students with diverse learning needs.

The award was presented during the University’s 15th anniversary celebration of its Community College Leadership doctoral program.

The Darden College is hosting the third-annual conference.

University is a leader in a national initiative to support educational programs for service members and families.

A groundbreaking study of education spending and its relationship on incarceration rates was lauded by the National Education Finance Academy.

Two Jan. 14 events highlight the diverse scholarship at Old Dominion University.

A big check was presented to the University, for an even bigger feat of generosity.

The annual Hampton City Schools Leadership Conference ran a little more smoothly, thanks to some Old Dominion education students.

With tailgating season a few months away, the competitors may be out of practice. But enthusiasts of the beanbag toss game are invited to take part in “Cornhole for a Cause,” a charity fund-raising tournament hosted by Old Dominion University’s Sport Management program.

In a speech to Old Dominion University student-athletes and sport management students Sept. 26, Nike marketing impresario Howard White captivated the audience in the Big Blue Room of the Ted Constant Convocation Center.

An innovative joint program run by Old Dominion University and Eastern Virginia Medical School is helping teenagers with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) increase their social interaction and prepare for life after high school.

John Nunnery, executive director of The Center for Educational Partnerships of Old Dominion University’s Darden College of Education, will be featured on the public radio show “With Good Reason” on Thursday, April 18.

We congratulate the students whose academic performance for Fall Semester 2023 qualified them for recognition on the Dean's List.