The GEMS Scholarship program is funded by the National Science Foundation, and it offers students the opportunity to participate in meaningful internships at our local school districts. There are two tracks students can apply for, Sprouts or Scholars. Stipends are available for Sprouts and tuition scholarships are available for Scholars.
This Fall 2024 we have 8 Sprouts and 3 Scholars in four schools districts: Chesapeake, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Virginia Beach. Our Sprouts (pictured) include Zara Macaulay, Isabelle Veurink, Amanda Boyd, Jania Battle, Meredith Weingand, Natalyia March, Jazlynn Ballman, and Emma Mulrain. They are in various middle schools across school districts doing great work with our outstanding mentors. Our Scholars include William Clock, Cournti Jackson, and Melissa Pineda. They are also in various high schools in our partners districts, and they are getting even more experience as they approach the end of their time here at ODU. The scholarship program is intentional about providing experiences and preparing our teachers for their future teaching contexts.
For more information about GEMS, visit our website here: